Account Manager

Adventure Maker • Glass 3-Quarters-Full Kind of Gal
Culture Index: The Influencer • Enneagram 7: The Enthusiast

Sarah brings a bubbly and positive personality to the Project Manager role at Intersection. She recently graduated from Ball State University with a major in organizational communication and minor in construction management, and yes, she was one of very few girls in her classes. During her time spent at Ball State she interned with the Youth Opportunity Center as an independent living skills teacher in the juvenile detention, which allowed her to work with youth from all over the state. She also worked at the Clubhouse, which is a local philanthropy dedicated to bringing more fun to Muncie and providing more jobs. She has made Muncie her home and loves being involved with the community.

Outside of work, Sarah likes to stay busy (like, VERY busy). She is usually traveling with her husband, Grant, and if she’s not traveling, she’s planning her next trip. In her free time, she reads sci-fi books, plays with her dog, upcycles clothes, and goes on coffee dates. She is involved with an apartment ministry called Community Care Network, where her and Grant host 2 spiritual and 2 community events a month at their apartment complex. She is also very involved at her church, Remedy City. Long-term, Sarah and Grant plan to move overseas to become full-time missionaries.